August 09, 2010

double fertilisation

After landing on a receptive stigma, a pollen grain absorbs moisture and germinates; that is, it produces a pollen tube that extends down between the cells of the style toward the ovary.

The nucleus of the generative cell divides by mitosis and formstwo sperm. Directed by a chemical attractant, possibly calcium, the tip of the pollen tube enters the ovary, probes through themicropyle (a gap in the integuments of the ovule), and discharges its two sperm near or within the embryo sac.

The events that follow are a distinctive feature of the angiosperm life cycle. One sperm fertilises the egg to form the zygote. The other sperm combines with the two polar nuclei to form a triploid (3n) nucleus in the centre of the large central cell of the embryo sac. This large cell will give rise to the endosperm, a food–storing tissue of the seed. The union of two sperm cells with different nuclei of the embryo sac is called double fertilisation. Double fertilisation ensures that the endosperm will develop only in ovules where the egg has been fertilized, thereby preventing angiosperms from squandering nutrients.

The tissues surrounding the embryo sac have prevented researchers from being able to directly observe fertilization in plants grown under normal conditions. Recently, however, scientists have isolated sperm from germinated pollen grains and eggs from embryo sacs and have observed the merging of plant gametes in vitro (in an artificial environment). The first cellular event that takes place after gamete fusion is an increase in the cytoplasmic calcium (Ca2+) levels of the egg, as also occurs during animal gamete fusion. Another similarity to animals is the establishment of a block to polyspermy, the fertilization of an egg by more than one sperm cell. Thus, maize (Zea mays ) sperm cannot fuse with zygotes in vitro. In maize, this barrier to polyspermy is established as early as 45 seconds after the initial sperm fusion with the egg.

From Ovule to Seed

After double fertilisation, each ovule develops into a seed, and the ovary develops into a fruit enclosing the seed(s). As the embryo develops from the zygote, the seed stockpiles proteins, oils, and starch to varying extents, depending on the species. This is why seeds are such major sugar sinks. Initially, these nutrients are stored in the endosperm, but later in seed development in many species, the storage function of the endosperm is more or less taken over by the swelling cotyledons of the embryo.

Endosperm Development

Endosperm development usually precedes embryo development. After double fertilisation, the triploid nucleus of the ovule’s central cell divides, forming a multinucleate “supercell” having a milky consistency. This liquid mass, the endosperm, becomes multicellular when cytokinesis partitions the cytoplasm by forming membranes between the nuclei. Eventually, these “naked” cells produce cell walls, and the endosperm becomes solid. Coconut “milk” is an example of liquid endosperm; coconut “meat” is an example of solid endosperm. The white fluffy part of popcorn is also solid endosperm.

In grains and most other monocots, as well as many eudicots, the endosperm stores nutrients that can be used by the seedling after germination. In other eudicots (including bean seeds), the food reserves of the endosperm are completely exported to the cotyledons before the seed completes its development; consequently, the mature seed lacks endosperm.

Within the microsporangia (pollen sacs) of an anther are many diploid cells called microsporocytes, also known as microspore mother cells.

Each microsporocyte undergoes meiosis, forming four haploid microspores, each of which can eventually give rise to a haploid male gametophyte.

A microspore undergoes mitosis and cytokinesis, producing two separate cells called the 
generative cell and tube cell. Together, these two cells and the spore wall constitute a pollen grain, which at this stage of its development is an immature male gametophyte. The spore wall usually exhibits an elaborate pattern unique to the particular plant species. During maturation of the male gametophyte, the generative cell passes into the tube cell. The tube cell now has a completely free–standing cell inside it (the generative cell). The tube cell produces the pollen tube, a structure essential for sperm delivery to the egg. During elongation of the pollen tube, the generative cell usually divides and produces two sperm cells, which remain inside the tube cell. The pollen tube grows through the long style of the carpel and into the ovary, where it then releases the sperm cells in the vicinity of an embryo sac.

One or more ovules, each containing a megasporangium, form within the chambers of the ovary. One cell in the megasporangium of each ovule, the megasporocyte (or megaspore mother cell),grows and then goes through meiosis, producing four haploid megaspores.

The details of the next steps vary extensively, depending on the species. In most angiosperm species, only one megaspore survives. This megaspore continues to grow, and its nucleus divides by mitosis three times without cytokinesis, resulting in one large cell with eight haploid nuclei. Membranes then partition this mass into a multicellular female gametophyte—the embryo sac. At one end of the embryo sac are three cells: the egg cell and two cells called synergids. The synergids flank the egg cell and function in the attraction and guidance of the pollen tube to the embryo sac. At the opposite end of the embryo sac are three antipodal cells of unknown function. The remaining two nuclei, called polar nuclei, are not partitioned into separate cells but instead share the cytoplasm of the large central cell of the embryo sac. The ovule, which will eventually become a seed, now consists of the embryo sac and two surrounding integuments (layers of protective sporophytic tissue that eventually develop into the seed coat).

Pollination, the transfer of pollen from anther to stigma, is the first step in a chain of events that can lead to fertilisation. This step is accomplished in various ways. In some angiosperms, including grasses and many trees, wind is a pollinating agent. In such plants, the release of enormous quantities of pollen compensates for the randomness of this dispersal mechanism. At certain times of the year, the air is loaded with pollen grains, as anyone plagued with pollen allergies can attest. Some aquatic plants rely on water to disperse pollen. Most angiosperms, however, depend on insects, birds, or other animals to transfer pollen directly to other flowers.